Great White and Black Photographers Part 3
1) The first thing that caught my eye when I saw Hine's picture (on the left) was how the kid is working with machinery, which now a days kids don't work. The first thing that caught my eye when I sew Hine's picture (on the right) was how the background is out of focus and it shows simplicity. The thing that made me choose the pictures was how the subject of both of the pictures were unaware that the photographer was taking the picture.
Picture on the left:
I see the young kid working with heavy machinery. I see the sweat in his hair and drops of sweat slowly falling from his forehead to his cheeks. I see his eyes focused on his job and I see the hardworking side of him.
I smell the machines aroma. I smell my own odor and I know I haven't showered in weeks, due to no working water. I smell the gas molecules that spread around the factory, because of the machines.
I hear the loud and annoying sound that the machine makes. I hear my own heavy sighs as I get tired. I hear many workers around me pushing me to hurry up and complaining that I am slow and useless.
I taste the gas and all the molecules the machines produce filling up in my lungs. I taste the hotness of the factory's environment. I taste the humidity and the sweat trickling down to my mouth, as I continue to work.
I feel the pain in my hands and in my bones that the working causes. I feel the eyes of everyone on me, as if I am food. I feel alone and I feel like I am to young to be working this hard and this many hours a day.
Picture on the right:
I see the young kid drawing his attention to something or someone. I see the bag around his body, as if he was a mailman. I see the innocence in this kid and I see the environment he is in.
I smell the towns usual aroma and I am already used to it. I smell the trees and the pines sweet smell as the wind takes it through the town.
I hear the footsteps of the people walking past me. I hear the chattering of people as they travel to their destinations. I hear the wind whooshing as it gets colder and colder into the night.
I taste the strong wind make its way into my mouth and taste like nothing. I taste the plain humidity up against my skin.
I feel the cold winter chills. I feel the warmness of my jacket that is pushed up against my skin. I feel the hat on my head that is keeping my hair out of sight and in place.
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