Top 100 photos
Picture #1:
1. I picked this image, because I like how so many famous people came together to take one picture. I think that what caught my eye was that I recognized most of the people in the picture, so it made me curious and I clicked on it.
2. During the 2014 Oscars, the host, Ellen Degeneres walked into the crowd and gathered many famous people. Then Bradley Cooper took out his phone and captured the image. After taking this picture, Degeneres shared it to the public through Twitter and it got over 3 million retweets, more than any other picture in history.
3. At first, Ellen Degeneres was just trying to take a selfie with Meryl Streep, but her arms weren't long enough, so Bradley Cooper offered help. Then Ellen said they wanted it to be a selfie, so he count help. Them she told him to get in the picture and they gather more people. Ellen could't reach to fit everyone in the frame, so Bradley offered to take it.
This image became so popular, because I think people were shocked to see these famous people together in one picture.
5. Name: Bradley Cooper
Birth Year: 1975
Born in Philadephia, PA
College: Germantown University, Georgetown University, The New School, Villanova University
Picture #2:
1. I picked this image, because I was curious to see the story behind a little girl who is smeared with blood. I think that what caught my eye was how the girl is shown by a bright flashlight and she is covered in blood.
2. Before this picture was captured, this little girl was in the car with both her parents. Then the U.S. soldiers opened fire and killed her parents. The U.S. soldiers shot them, because they feared the car might be carrying insurgents or suicide bombers.
3. Chris joined many soldiers and took many pictures of war. He blogged a lot of the Iraq War.
5. Name: Chris Hondros
Birth Year: 1970
Born in New York City, New York
College: Ohio University, Terry Sanford High School, North Carolina State University
Picture #3:
1. I picked this image, because I was intrigued by how the position of the watch looks like its over the roads. The persons hand and watch definitely caught my eye, because it looks really cool with the roads in the background.
2. While this picture was taken, Soviets tanks were rolling into Czechoslovakia on August 20th, 1968. Even though they were quickly seized by Prague, they ran up against masses of flag waving citizens who threw up barricades, stored tanks, overturned trucks, and took signs way from the street to confuse the Soviets.
3. Josef Koudelka, a young engineer who had been taking photos of the Czech life was in the capital when the soldiers arrived.
5. Name: Josef Koudelka
Birth Year: 1938
Born in Boskovice, Czech Republic
College: Czech Technical University in Prague, Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague
Picture #4:
1. I picked this image, because I was surprised that there was a human that was burning alive and he was calmly sitting down. The fire is what caught my eye, because there was so much of it in the picture.
2. In June 1963, Malcolm Brown, the photographer was given a heads up that something was going to happen to protest the treatment of the Buddhists. When he got there he saw that 2 people were throwing gasoline on Thich Quang Duc. As son as he saw this, he knew what was happening and he started taking pictures.
3. Thich Quang Duc was an older monk who lighted himself on fire by throwing a lighter on his lap, when he had gasoline all over his body.
5. Name: Malcom Browne
Birth Year: 1931
Born in New York City, New York
College: Friends Seminary and Swarthmore College
Picture #5:
1. I picked this image, because I was surprised on how big the smoke was and I didn't know it was possible to create so much smoke. The form of the smoke caught my eye, because it is pretty cool and uncommon.
2. 3 days after an atomic bomb called Little Boy wiped out Hiroshima, Japan, U.S. forces dropped an even more powerful bomb over Nagasaki. The photographer described it as, "boiling coffee." Then he took 16 photographs of the bomb that killed about 80,000 people.
3. Six days later, the two bombs forced Emperor Hirohito to announce Japan' surrender in World War II. This was the only image that fully showed the whole bomb.
5. Name: Lieutant Charles Levy
Birth Year: 1918
Born in Philadelphia
College: Not listed anywhere
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