Picture #1: 1. I picked this image, because I like how so many famous people came together to take one picture. I think that what caught my eye was that I recognized most of the people in the picture, so it made me curious and I clicked on it. 2. During the 2014 Oscars, the host, Ellen Degeneres walked into the crowd and gathered many famous people. Then Bradley Cooper took out his phone and captured the image. After taking this picture, Degeneres shared it to the public through Twitter and it got over 3 million retweets, more than any other picture in history. 3. At first, Ellen Degeneres was just trying to take a selfie with Meryl Streep, but her arms weren't long enough, so Bradley Cooper offered help. Then Ellen said they wanted it to be a selfie, so he count help. Them she told him to get in the picture and they gather more people. Ellen could't reach to fit everyone in the frame, so Bradley offered to take it. 4. This image became so popular, because I think peop...